MIJ is contributing to the safe and convenient life of
modern people. Professional manufacturer of electronics.
Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headset & Hearing Aid
Safe and healthy for modern people by using bone conduc-tion sound transmission method
Contributes to hearing.
Hearing aids help improve sound listening.
Participated in exhibitions around the world including
Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong
Awarded Analyst's Choice for 2 consecutive years in HongKong Global Sources Exhibition
Achievement of Japan's Makuake cloud funding
MIJ will continue to run to provide safe and convenient products.
MIJ is contributing to the safe and convenient life of
modern people. Professional manufacturer of electronics.
Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headset & Hearing Aid
Safe and healthy for modern people by using bone conduc-tion sound transmission method
Contributes to hearing.
Hearing aids help improve sound listening.
Participated in exhibitions around the world including
Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong
Awarded Analyst's Choice for 2 consecutive years in HongKong Global Sources Exhibition
Achievement of Japan's Makuake cloud funding
MIJ will continue to run to provide safe and convenient products.
New technology PSV(pure sound vibration),
optimized product for daily long
time tinnitus care sound therapy.
New technology PSV(pure sound vibration),
optimized product for daily long
time tinnitus care sound therapy.
CARE4EAR is a customizes individual tinnitus care solution
that helps to care tinnitus based on accurate
self-hearing test and self-tinnitus test result.
CARE4EAR는 정확한 청력과 이명 검사를 기반으로
이명케어의 전과정을 상담, 관리하는 개인맞춤형 이명케어 솔루션입니다.